The Hood shot will test a device designed by Livermore. The above-nominal yield device will be suspended at about 1500 feet from an anchored, plastic balloon 75 feet in diameter. The test will be fired at 4:40 a.m. in Area 9 in Yucca Flat, approximately 13 miles from News Nob.
Hood was originally scheduled as the seventh full-scale nuclear shot in the series, but became the sixth with the postponement of Diablo to a date later in July. It is one of the nine shots originally scheduled for newsmen's on-site observation. The schedual of the seven remaining "open" shots (exclusive of Hood) is under revision by the Test Director and will be released as soon as it is firm. All, other than Hood, in the July schedule probably will be changed.
There will be 33 participating projects, with a number of experiments on the sequence timer. Included will be seven Civil Effects Test Group projects, all extensions of previously-discussed activities and none involving animals. The manned shelter station will not be conducted on Hood.
There will be 18 military effects projects and associated experiments. Armored vehicles will be placed at varying distances from ground zero to determine effects of the various damage-producing mechanisms resulting from atomic detonations upon heavy equipment. Rabbits will be used in a continuation of experiments on flash blindness.
There will be approximately 400 military observers in trenches. They will include an advance party of Canadians who will participate later in the series.
There will be three high explosive shots beginning at shot time minus three hours. Each includes 2400 pounds of high explosive.
Road blocks will be established on highways around Nevada Test Site at points where the fireball will be visible by direct line of sight. Other road blocks will be established on highways which point directly at the test site, to warn travelers that the reflected light will be intense and might startle them.
Observers on mountain peaks within 60 miles are cautioned to look the other way at shot time unless they have high density goggles.
In addition to the Marine maneuver, military participation in Hood will include an Army Ordnance test of radiation shielding testing devices, an Army Ordnance test of foxholes instrumented to obtain blast and thermal effects data, and an Army Signal Corp radar cloud tracking experiment.
A total of 136 U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, and Marine Corps aircraft will participate in the shot. The Army aircraft, helicopters, will be a part of the fallout prediction program. U.S. Navy planes will conduct effects experiments. Air Force flights will be engaged in cloud sampling and tracking, effects tests, and operational and indoctrination missions. Marine aircraft will lift tactical troops during their maneuver and provide air cover for the ground operation.